The PM has made a plea to teachers not to go on strike for the good of the country. A part of me wonders if he really thought that plea would achieve any good? After all, at the end of the day, the teachers are striking for personal reasons and this action is targeted at stating unequivocally,their opinion about the present governments ideas regarding their pensions. Whether the ideas are right or wrong, sustainable or unsustainable (to be fair) is open to debate. Simply because ones point of view will beclouded by which side of the fence you are on. Its the same with the NHS, 58% of doctors voted against the current revamped bill and they urged their union to fight it..... more bad news. Already the government is having to defend itself from taunts of a complete turnaround by their opponents.
They are having to sell there changes as part of the results of the listening excerpter, but that I think is what baffles me the most.... given that the NHS, public service, essential services etc are not the Private sector, where the owners; majority shareholders; board members etc can come to what they feel are business beneficial decisions and then take unilateral decisions regarding their companies without consulting their employees. Given that the public sector to some extent is or should be powered by altruistic feelings of patriotism and service.... did the government forget all this and put the cart before the horse, by making decisions and then seeking advice on them?????
Granted a study or two was done, but a study is just that.... someone looking into things and trying to come up with theories to explain the fact and formulas to define the future. It is not a dialogue. and sadly I think this government underestimated the amount of frustration and tiredness people in the public service feel. They have bills and lives to maintain, so altruism might be a luxury here. To be even more realistic no-one wants to feel like they have been "had" especially by their employers: " if you are going to get rid of me make it worth my while!" - the reasoning behind redundancy payouts. I can imagine teachers etc probably are thinking along he lines off - "don't tell me that the pot of gold at the end of my long years of service is going to be changed for tin and then try to tell me that it is in my best interests, be patriotic and that in comparison to everyone else i still have it good. keep your promise!!!!! the one i signed up for at the start of my employment!! the one that makes me wake up in the morning and go to work!!!"
The concept of the psychological contract rears its head here. obviously the relationship between the largest employer in the UK - govt and its employees have broken down; trust eroded and promises discarded...... I wish I could study the changes in the psych contract over the next will be an interesting time and will have valuable lessons for all.... but the parent in me, is dreading Thursday the 30th. that is the new Friday the 13th for me.
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