Friday, 11 March 2011

Why HR?

I started actively job hunting last year and in doing so i had to revise my cv. i found myself pondering what to put into the profile section of it and found myself questioning the reason why I chose to work in Hr in the first place?

lets face it: Hr is the whipping post of business sometimes. It can be seen as a fuddy duddy part of the business the function that no-one knows what they do (check out this story on the Times (UK) ) and if you are a Hr consultant the reason why everything is wrong with a company(insert a link to article). HR professional have tried to respond to the criticism in all manner of ways (see response of the HR body to the times story  for example) including changing the functions titles from "personnel managemet" to "Human resources management" and has birthed all sorts of disciplines over the last decade specialising in arms of HR (never knew that paying colleagues salaries would birth a whole field called "Reward Management "!!) and it is aggresively trying to get a place at the table (witness the birth and growth of the Ulrich "Business partner" model). Even its pratitiners poke fun at it ( (Funny story about HR by a HR professional here!!)

So why deliberately go after a profession that has "everything" against it ( How often do you see your CFO, CIO or CMO begging to be on the managment boardor defending their budgets?? Compare that against your HRD....? Get the point?)?

A friend and I agreed towork as a HR expert one has to be either shiftless......... or passionate about it. You either drifted into it (which sadly seems to be majority of us) or you decided to do that. And fort he ones that decide to do that, make no mistake about it - you are on a mission and you will have to prove your worth over and over again.......becasue what you do, sadly, deals with a part of life that no-one has been able to put a finger on how to replicate consistently - you are the gaurdians of human performance. And that burden should be the reason why you get into HR: to figure out the combination that unlocks it in your business ..... any HR professional who does, will never have to beg for a place at the table, their place - setting and name tags will be there already.

Hr is a passion with me........ any one else in that boat?

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